Thoracic Glide – Front and Back

- Stand tall with your feet at shoulder width.
- Exhale as you round your upper back outwards to the rear (thoracic spine flexion).
- Your goal should be to have a smooth and continuous curve to your back
- It may be helpful to place your fingers on your sternum (chest bone) and using gentle pressure and your imagination push on individual rib and vertebrae segments
- Move your fingers to increase emphasis in different segments of your spine
- Stand tall with your feet at shoulder width.
- Inhale as you round the front of your chest outwards (thoracic spine extension).
- Your goal should be to have a smooth and continuous curve to the front of your chest.
- It may be helpful to place your fingers lightly on your sternum (chest bone) and imagine pushing them up and away from your spine with your chest
- Move your fingers to increase emphasis in different segments of your spine.
Pro Tips
- Allow your head to move in line with your spine. DO NOT try to drive the thoracic spine position with your head and neck.
- Likewise, your shoulders should be relaxed and along for the ride, not driving spinal movement.
- It may be helpful to put the finger tips of one hand where your collarbones meet at the top of your chest and the other at the lowest part of your sternum (chest bone). As you flex your spine, your fingers should come closer together. As you flex, they should move further apart.