The purpose of this drill is to quickly and accurately have the eyes jump from near to far targets and back. Use supplied Near/Far charts or make your own.
- Post the large Near/Far chart on a wall at eye level
- Walk back from the chart to the farthest distance that you can still see the letters clearly, then take one step forward
- Hold the small letter chart approximately 4-6 inches from your face, or as close as you can and still read the letters most clearly. It will need to be held off to the side (either right or left) slightly so that you can still see the large letter chart
- Starting with the small chart, read the letters aloud from left to right alternating from the near chart to the far chart as quickly as possible
- Count the number of letters read in the amount of time for each set
- Start off slowly! Find a nice cadence to work into. Increase speed over time.
- Take frequent breaks. Eye drills can be quickly fatiguing and they are counterproductive if you’re fatigued. Work up to longer sessions, but limit yourself to 5 minutes of eye drills per session.
- Place the large Near/Far Chart at different levels and position off of center (e.g., make the eyes snap left to the far target)
- Use athletic positions specific to your sport when doing the drill