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Joe Frasca

Advanced Dinking Techniques - Part 1

There is a distinct advantage in a pickleball point to getting to the net as soon as possible.  

There is also a disadvantage to a weak attack once you are at the net.  

Dinking is a critical part of the game and good dinking is the pathway to creating good attacking chances and forcing errors.

There are also opportunities for good players to wear down an opponent, maneuver them out of position or even just get him or her to lose patience.

With a large percentage of pickleball shots being dinks, it’s worth your while to learn how to turn the dinking game to your advantage.  

When you invite your opponents to your kitchen, have a plan and know how to execute it.

This material is only available to people who have participated in the Advanced Dinking Techniques Clinic or have purchased this course. 

By accessing this information, I hereby acknowledge that it is copyrighted and valuable intellectual property of Joe Frasca and NeuroAthlete.  I agree to use it for personal use only and that I am permitted and even encouraged to share what I have learned with pickleball friends and playing partners while giving credit to the authors.  I understand that I may not use this information for any commercial purpose without the express permission of Joe Frasca or NeuroAthlete.